Red-blue duotone photo of Katharina Gross, resting her chin on her knuckles and smiling invitingly. She’s got long dark hair and is wearing a dark blazer over a white T-shirt.

Katharina Groß


Social Media & Marketing Ops Manager

Wuppertal, Germany | BC, Canada

  • German <-> English localisation

  • German social media copy

  • English social media copy

  • German & English editing

Social Media

Canva Design

Recognising customer needs


My grandma probably always saw this coming: I’m a freelance social media and marketing operations assistant. No pen, no piece of paper and no scrap of fabric was safe from me. I made something out of everything. Probably at some point my grandparents no longer knew where to hang all my creative outpourings. Not only crafting and writing, but also singing is my gateway to the world.

What does that have to do with my current job? Lots, if you ask me. Only the media have changed a bit. Therefore, in 2020 I poured my overflowing energy into a training course to become a social media manager at the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce… … and fulfilled my dream of independently supporting people whose values match mine.

I love giving people a voice and making a difference together. I want to know what fascinates you, what you are passionate about, and I want to support you in getting your message in front of people.

I believe that everyone has special talents that the world should know about. Let’s bring your very special talent and my creativity together!

You can access my LinkedIn network here.